Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If you’re going to San Francisco…

Tell me that doesn't look like a burrito.

Maybe I am a bit homesick, I will admit, but it seems like all around me I see San Francisco.  Amelie and I went out shopping in a district that sold fabrics, cheap clothes, knock-off bags, and foodstuff wrapped in breadstuff.  As I walked by the food stand, I did a double take and said outloud, “Mmmm, burritos…”  Those are not burritos; Amelie informed me they were in fact a form of Turkish food, not Mexican.  Of course this neighborhood reminded me of the Mission.
Fish Pillows!

Early we had been walking by what I can assume was an overpriced area that reminded me of the Haight.  Random hats, creepy dolls key chains, and fish pillows (I totally wanted one of those actually). 

Can you spot the rainbow?
We of course had to make our way to Hamburg’s gay district for brunch.  I guess this area is definitely not as flamboyant as my former residence neighborhood, so I will say that Hamburg’s “Castro” is still in the closet.  You have to really try to spot the rainbows.  It was a fun place to have breakfast and the food was typically German.  Meat and cheese on a plate for you to mix and match to your pleasing.

I hope San Francisco didn’t give me extremely high standards that will surely lead to future disappointments.  It is an amazing city that I am so happy to have lived in, but how can any city try to win my heart over like San Francisco did?  From what I have been hearing, Austin is going to give San Francisco a run for its money!

We wanted to take a city tour, but since the weather was so overcast, we decided to just have a leisurely lunch by the ports then go on an epic tour of Hamburg’s sordid history.  I got grilled squid and we shared a huge pot of mussels. 

I asked them if they had sangria, and instead of simply telling me that they don’t, they went ahead and made me my own jug of it.  It was so delicious!  Full to the brim with happiness, we made our way to Hamburg’s Dungeons.  I just love cities that are on water, they make for beautiful pictures…*Sigh* 

Just climbing a random pole, of course

There I go thinking about San Francisco again.  Anyways, back to the dungeons.  The Dungeon’s tour can actually be found in a few other cities including London and New York; it is like a longer version of a Disneyland ride.  For those of you So Cal natives, remember Knott’s Scary Farm?  Where zombies jump at you and things pop out of the walls?  This tour was just like that, except it was about Hamburg’s history.  We experience the flames of the fire that destroyed the city, barely escaped the Inquisition, held our breathes as we avoided the Plague, and tiptoed during the floods.  It was a pretty neat way to learn about the city, and I was definitely happy not to be in the rain.  Natural disasters and infectious diseases still interest me greatly, so I found this tour very satisfying.

Australian Sheppard!  So cute!!

 And, Tara you will appreciate this, I found my future dog.  He had one blue and one brown eye!  Such a cutie.  Maybe if I have a yard in Texas!

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